
Waf network
Waf network

  • SQL Injection: executed on the contact and submissions forms of a website.
  • DDoS attacks: overwhelming an application’s servers by sending copious amounts of traffic and requests, in order to bring a server down.
  • Typically, a Web Application Firewall will protect your online site against the following types of attacks: Whereas traditional firewalls can be of various types, for example, network firewalls, packet filtering, stateful firewalls, etc. A WAF is a type of firewall, aimed to monitor the traffic requests made to your application and the data within. Please note: it easy to confuse a WAF with a traditional firewall. A WAF is not an all-in-one solution, but rather one piece in a host of tools required to safeguard websites today.

    waf network

    WAF comes under the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) protocol as a layer 7 defense.ĭifferent types of online attacks target different layers (a total of 7) in the OSI model, which is why a WAF is not designed to protect against all types of cyberattacks. In simple terms, It monitors the traffic hitting website servers with requests, and filters out the ones with malicious intent.

  • Functions of a Web Application FirewallĪ WAF or Web Application Firewall is the protective barrier between a web application (or its server) and the internet.
  • Types of Attacks a WAF Protects Against.
  • What is WAF (Web Application Firewall)?.
  • waf network

    But what is its exact purpose? And how does it work? In this article, we will dive deep into everything you need to know about web application firewalls, their functions, and their types. It is estimated that approximately $6 trillion is expected to be spent globally on cybersecurity by 2021.Ī WAF or Web Application Firewall is a powerful layer of security that sits between your website and outside traffic. Store owners need to do everything in their power to tighten their website’s security and minimize the risk of cyberattacks.

    waf network

    eCommerce websites, in particular, run a high risk of vicious online attacks as they house sensitive customer information. Cyber-attacks have surged dramatically in recent years.

    Waf network